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Tools for Recyclers
Checkmate by

Full-featured, integrated management system. #1 on!

Auto recyclers choose the Checkmate® inventory management system to manage their businesses, buy profitable vehicles, maintain inventory, and sell parts efficiently.

There's a reason Checkmate is the #1 inventory management system management system on, with more recyclers on the marketplace running Checkmate than any other management system. Checkmate is designed to maximize your sales on (the #1 recycled parts marketplace.)

Checkmate's end-to-end workflow provides tools to buy, inventory, price, sell parts, manage production, maintain inventory information, track business information, and sell parts in online marketplaces such as, Car Part Pro, and eBay. Checkmate integrates with many of our other other software solutions such as Partmate and Photomate, which allow you to inventory/manage parts and images with tablets and smartphones.

"With Checkmate, we have better internet sales, great customer service, and a company that's willing to change to make it better for recyclers - and all at a cheaper price!"
Dale Gregg
Strange Auto Parts
White Pine, TN
Key features:
  • Checkmate Sales Pro: A modern and intuitive sales workflow. Lightning fast and simple to navigate! Easily sell multiple parts at once. Quickly create quotes, work orders, purchase orders, and invoices. See alternative parts and customer history while making your sale. And switch between tasks in a snap!
  • Checkmate Inventory Pro: "Command central" for easy inventory management. Maintain inventory information, uncover inventory that needs review, and add vehicles/parts.
  • Car-Part Interchange Plus: New and enhanced interchange for over 100 parts (above and beyond the industry standard).
  • Reports: Unlock information that helps you make business decisions and manage more effectively.
  • Dashboard: Charts and graphs show a real-time overview of your business (sales inventory, employees, and more).
  • Imaging: Easily add images to your parts and vehicles with drag-and-drop convenience. These images are visible in Checkmate and uploaded to online search results.
  • eBay (Checkmate Listing Manager): List many parts on eBay at once, with just the click of a button.
  • SmartVin and Smart Interchange eliminate interchange choices while you work.
  • and much more!

Industry-Leading Support: Online technical support is available to Checkmate customers via phone or Car-Part Messaging (iCPM) support rooms.
"Car-Part and their Checkmate yard management software has been one of the best business decisions we've made...Their customer service is exceptionally responsive and always friendly...We couldn't be happier with making the switch! We would recommend it to anyone, especially if you list items on eBay."
Elgin Frye
Viking Used Auto Parts
Oroville, CA

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$martList: Optimize sales of hot selling parts, based on marketplace data!

Photomate: Mobile Imaging

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Call Car-Part at (859) 344-1925. You can also reach us via email for sales assistance or general information.