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Tools for Recyclers
Car-Part Exchange

The power of integrated into Checkmate!

  • Car-Part Exchange™ delivers the power of Car-Part parts locating, integrated into Checkmate®.
  • Checkmate users can see parts from other recyclers or aftermarket parts vendors in their Checkmate search results, next to their own parts.
  • Create a quote or work order for Exchange Partners' parts in seconds.
  • Sales Pro automatically enters the vendor information on the quote, work order, or invoice you create for Exchange Sale parts.
  • Purchase orders are created automatically when you create a work order for an Exchange Sale part.
  • Checkmate updates daily with parts from other recyclers and aftermarket parts vendors using the same data feed process uses.
  • Car-Part Messaging™ allows you to quickly contact another recycler with questions or to purchase a part.

No other system in the industry can match our number of recyclers, accuracy of data, and sales capabilities all built directly into Checkmate!

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