Selling Parts
Auto parts market designed for professional appraisers and repairers. Increases recycled part sales by showcasing your parts in a way that's appealing and helpful for these high-volume buyers.
Inventory management system. Manage your business, maintain inventory, sell parts, and run your business with this full-featured, integrated system.
Online part listings. List parts on and on your own business website. Reach body shops, garages, insurance companies, and retail customers.
Designed for phone and tablet use. Sell parts on Car-Part Mobile, including your mobile app and our mobile website.
Instant messaging system for auto recyclers. Communicate instantly with other recyclers, body shops, insurance companies, and retail customers. With built-in interchange.
Core buying system. Core buyers search for and bid on your parts.
Provides Car-Part Interchange Plus for Pinnacle and Powerlink users, with interchange for parts that did not previously have it available.
Buying Parts
Salvage buying tool. Calculates vehicle value based on your sales history, Car-Part marketplace search data, and stock levels.
Search other recyclers' inventories within Checkmate. Broker parts from any recyclers or aftermarket vendors that sell parts on Car-Part marketplaces.
Recycler-to-recycler parts locating system. One-button access to parts from 4,200 recyclers and popular aftermarket vendors.
Instant messaging system for auto recyclers. Communicate instantly with other recyclers, body shops, insurance companies, and retail customers. With built-in interchange.
Inventory Management
Inventory management system. Manage your business, maintain inventory, sell parts, and run your business with this full-featured, integrated system.
Mobile app for Checkmate users. Puts essential inventory management tools at your fingertips - take part photos, inventory parts, edit inventory, assign interchange, move parts, maintain Price Book, and access barcoding functions.
Portable inventory tool. Decodes interchange from the VIN, automatically completes descriptions, and determines damage codes. $martList feature identifies parts that will lead to profits.
Production process management. Works with Checkmate to keep track of your work orders from sales to delivery and beyond. Automatically updated with Real Time Barcoding.
Collision pricing, interchange, and diagrams. Launch searches from your IMS. Search by VIN or OEM number. Includes pricing history. Also provides Car-Part Interchange Plus to Pinnacle and Powerlink users.
Barcoding system specifically for auto recyclers. Scan your parts and instantly update Checkmate.
Core pricing assistance. Determine which parts to core during the dismantling process. Access core prices in Checkmate.
Business Management
Access to 8 Car-Part tools from within one program. Inventory management, business management, and part sales.
Production process management. Works with Checkmate to keep track of your work orders from sales to delivery and beyond. Automatically updated with Real Time Barcoding.
Peer support groups for auto recyclers. Provides a forum to share ideas and solve problems in a confidential environment.
Business insight at a glance. Make better business decisions and manage more effectively.

  Questions about our products? Call Car-Part at (859) 344-1925. You can also reach us via email for sales assistance or general information.