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Volume 02 - Issue 06 |

Using an Extensive Parts Listing
Bidmate gives users the ability to customize their parts filters. This is the list of parts that will show when you evaluate a vehicle. You can create a list of parts appropriate for any vehicle type. However, there is another approach that some users prefer, which is to create an exhaustive list of parts that includes every part type you would normally inventory. To edit your part filters, go to Edit>Part Filters. For those parts that you always want to see for every vehicle, highlight the part code and click the "Always Display Part" button. After you are finished, select "Save as Default Filter." When you view the parts list for vehicles you are evaluating select View >"BUYS" Only.
Now, Bidmate will only show the parts that you need based on your current inventory and historical sales/request activity. For example, parts like transfer cases will no longer show when you evaluate a Corolla because they will never be a "Buy." You can switch between the two views at any time. Here are examples of the two types of views:

Note that the "BUYS only" view is considerably shorter and only shows the parts with activity that meets the criteria you established in "Recycler Options." If you often inventory parts that do not have interchange, be sure to designate those as "Always Display Parts" to ensure that they show in both views.
Salvage Pools Update
Manheim's Total Resource Auctions are currently supported in Bidmate using the clipboard import method. Bidmate will support the automatic import of their auctions soon. The eleven auctions acquired earlier this year are still operating sales from their respective websites. Bidmate continues to support all Klode, SAISC, and Sapulpa auctions.
IAA has completed the integration of the former Joe Horisk's Salvage Pool in Delaware into its online sales platform. The next wave of IAA's integration of the former Verastar locations is scheduled for release on July 14. Bidmate currently supports the IAA sales in both the clipboard and automatic import functions.
Topeka Salvage Pool has announced its closure.
The Bob Lowe Salvage Pool in Missouri was acquired by Copart and is now supported in Bidmate using the clipboard import.
Diamond Auto of Canada with pool locations in Calgary and Edmonton is now supported for clipboard imports from both MS Internet Explorer and Firefox.
Firefox browser support was recently added for Insurance Salvage Services' two locations in Minnesota. They are now supported for clipboard imports using either Firefox or Internet Explorer.
How Much More Could You Buy If You Only Bought "Winners"?
Look at a report showing vehicle sales performance over a period of time and you will see vehicles that generated a lot of sales and did so quickly. You will also see vehicles with little or no activity. Buying vehicles is a lot like picking stocks. You'll probably not be 100% correct in your stock market investment choices. The objective, however, is to identify and buy the winners while avoiding the losers. Serious stock investors usually employ their own research, the research of others, and often a sophisticated analysis tool to improve their success ratio. Bidmate is the same kind of tool. It analyzes prior vehicle performance to identify those investments that have performed well in the recent past. It also looks at parts requests to identify likely emerging stars. |
Stock investors measure their success by calculating the overall return on their investment. You calculate your buying success by measuring the sales your vehicles generate. You will improve your return by buying more winners and fewer losers. You can do that by using the power of Bidmate. Set up the variables in Bidmate to match the gross profit you expect with the historical activity and request data you want to consider, and it will identify the vehicles that meet those criteria. Buy those vehicles only and avoid the others. You'll soon find your inventory stocked with more winners. The additional profit generated can go to the bottom line or enable you to buy more vehicles. Either way, you're now a savvy investor!

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