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Volume 02 - Issue 08 |
May 4, 2009 |

Jorgen Automotive Corporation Added as a Vendor
Now showing inventory in Trading Partners
Car-Part.com has recently added the Jorgen Automotive Corporation as the newest participating vendor displaying its inventory on the Vendors link on Trading Partners™. This Vendors link makes it quick and easy for you to purchase aftermarket parts from participating vendors.
Jorgen Automotive specializes in the remanufacture of steering gearboxes and rack and pinion steering gears. Established in 1983, Jorgen remanufactures all import and domestic makes and models from 1975 to current. With its full line coverage and late model availability, Jorgen is well suited to provide products for all of your car and light truck steering inquiries, and notably for collision repair steering needs. In those states where a collision replacement take-off part isn't allowed for safety-related parts, Jorgen's fully remanufactured units, with their lifetime replacement warranty, offer the perfect answer to those calls asking for replacement steering gears and racks.
With locations in Ann Arbor, Michigan and Seattle, Washington, Jorgen can ship steering components anywhere in the country until 6:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. Blind ships, listing your yard as the origin, reliably delivered to your customer's doorstep, make for a great new steering market opportunity for you and your yard. For more information, about this vendor, you can visit www.JorgenAuto.com or call 800-333-0600.
If you have never used the Vendors link, start by searching for a part using your Trading Partners search. This is the search you perform with your F-key in your inventory management system, or the "CP" button in Bidmate and Partmate. Next, look at the Vendors button at the top of the Trading Partners search results page. If any participating vendors have the part you are looking for, a number will appear in parentheses on this button indicating the number of participating vendors which sell this part. Click on the Vendors button to view the part description, price, and vendor. You can make your sale while still on the phone or while on Car-Part Messaging with your customer. The Vendors button feature is a standard part of Car-Part.com's Trading Partners service. Vendor information is made available to recyclers only through the Trading Partners service and these parts are not displayed in response to parts searches performed on the Car-Part.com public website.
Did You Know?
If your inventory management system is down, your Car-Part.com technical support rep can help. Your support rep will create what is called a "down yard link" which you can use to look up your parts (which will include the location field) until your IMS is back up. If you subscribe to Trading Partners, we can also create a link that allows you to view your trading partners. Once your system is back up, call Car-Part.com again and the down yard link will be turned off. This free service uses your Location field, so it is available for Checkmate®, Fast Parts®, Hollander®, Powerlink® I, Powerlink® II, and Pinnacle® Direct. Please call your support rep or the main office at (859) 344-1925 for more information regarding this service. |
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