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Volume 06 - Issue 4 |

Early bird rate ends June 8, 2013. Sign up now and save!
"Work Hard, Play hard"
In less than two months (August 8-10), hundreds of auto recyclers will be meeting in the Cincinnati area for the 2013 Car-Part Industry Conference. This annual event features classes focusing on our integrated product suite, hot recycling industry topics, maximizing sales, human resource issues, insurance and shop perspective of recycled parts, and more. You will hear from recycling industry experts such as ARA President Chris Wright, JC Cahill of Brown's Auto Parts, and Robert Counts of Counts Business Consulting. You will also have the opportunity to receive one-on-one, personalized training and speak directly with the developers who actually design and build the features you rely on.
In addition to all of the educational opportunities, we'll also "play hard" with a welcome reception, Cincinnati Reds baseball game, and a show by Car-Part's own band, the amazing VW Beetles!
We work hard to make the conference affordable for you. The Early Registration Special price is $170 per attendee and $100 for spouses not attending classes. This special expires on June 8. After June 8, the rates will raise to $200 per attendee and $125 per spouse. To register, visit https://products.car-part.com/registration. For more information about the conference, visit https://products.car-part.com/2013training.
The class schedule is being finalized now. This year's schedule will include important topics like our upcoming eCommerce feature, Checkmate's new graphical sales process, Checkmate's QuickBooks and EZ Route integration, Partmate's Desktop Review, our new, exclusive interchange, Car-Part's mobile app, and how to get the most out of Car-Part Pro (including integration with leading industry companies and building a distribution network).
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