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Volume 08 - Issue 3 | |


How Does Car-Part eCommerce Give You the Edge?
The Car-Part eCommerce suite is a powerful collection of software and services that help you sell parts online.* Selling parts online to mechanical shops, collision shops, and rebuilders is an innovative and modern way to increase your revenue – our tools showcase your parts in a way that is most attractive to these professional online buyers, as well as to the appraisers who select many parts for inclusion on estimates. You can even broker parts that you don't keep in stock! The result is a recycled parts marketplace that professional repairers and appraisers can depend on, because they are confident that they are finding the right part, with the right services, from the right recycler.
Car-Part makes it easy to sell parts online with the Car-Part Pro marketplace, the Order Part button, Real Time Part Verification and notifications, and Seller Order Manager. Car-Part Pro is a part search designed specifically professional repairers and appraisers. Using Car-Part Pro, these professional customers find your parts that meet their requirements. When they decide on your part, they click the Order Part button to place an order or add to estimate button to simplify getting the part on the estimate. Our Real Time Part Verification feature instantly confirms that the part information on Car-Part Pro is still accurate, and sends you an immediate notification of the order. Your online orders are tracked and compiled for you in Seller Order Manager.
Here's how it all works:
Car-Part Pro Marketplace

The Car-Part Pro marketplace is the cornerstone of Car-Part eCommerce, and Car-Part Pro is your competitive advantage. Car-Part Pro gives the professional collision repair an easy and time-effective way to find and purchase your parts. All Car-Part Pro usesr can take advantage of these features:
- One-click part ordering with the Order Part button
- Real-time "in stock" verification
- Increased selection of available parts due to your distribution networks (brokers)
- Ability to filter by required services like warranties, Car-Part certification levels, and local delivery options
Collision repairers and appraisers especially benefit from:
- Integration with estimating systems and the ability to more easily add parts to an estimate from search results
- Accurate real time local delivery information
- Cloud-based search preference profiles for centralized management and consistency
Car-Part Pro showcases parts the way online shoppers expect: easy to find, easy to order, and with enough information that they can be comfortable and confident in their purchases.
Car-Part Pro is great for recyclers because it allows you to:
- Accept and manage orders online
- Up sell extended warranties
- Set up distribution networks ("brokering"), automatically showing your customers not only the parts you have in stock at your location, but also the parts you can get for them by their delivery deadline
- Advertise industry certifications and organizations to enhance your image
If you're not already a Car-Part Pro seller, contact us now to learn more about how easy and rewarding this marketplace is for recyclers.
Ordering Parts

From Car-Part Pro search results, buyers can order parts in one click with the Order Part button. This immediately sends a notification to your iCPM as a message, plus details are sent to iCPM's Sales tab. The Order Part button simplifies the buying process for your customers. It integrates with certain estimating and shop management systems, and simplifies the process for other systems. It's never been easier for professional repairers to buy your parts!
Real Time Part Verification

Car-Part Pro is able to confirm in real-time that the part your customer wants is still in stock and available, and the displayed information is still correct. When your customer clicks the Add to Estimate button or the Order Part button, your management system is checked to verify that the part information is still accurate before the part is added to the estimate or an order is placed. This gives buyers confidence in you and your parts at the exact moment when they're ready to purchase or select a part for an estimate.
If the customer is still shopping, the Confirm Availability button allows Car-Part Pro buyers to verify part information without adding the part to an estimate or ordering it. When this button is clicked, a notification is sent to your iCPM's Verify tab, delivering valuable sales leads right to your desktop.
Seller Order Manager

Seller Order Manager keeps track of the parts you have sold on Car-Part Pro with the Order Part button. For each order, Seller Order Manager displays the order information and customer contact information for the order (this is the same information viewable in your iCPM's Sales tab). Here, you can modify orders, adjust prices, and keep track of part and shipping statuses. If you have multiple yards, Seller Order Manager collects orders for all of your locations in one convenient spot.
Our eCommerce features makes your parts more available and attractive for professional repairers to find, buy, and bring into their workflows. And this is just the beginning! Here's what our developers are working on right now:
- Electronic shopping cart, allowing you to accept payment online
- Part and vehicle images in Car-Part Pro search results
- More shipping options (in addition to local delivery)
Contact your salesperson directly or call us at 859-344-1925 to learn more about eCommerce or any Car-Part.com product. We're excited to help you make more money!
*Some features are available only to Checkmate customers. Please contact your salesperson for more information and to see if you are eligible to participate in all areas of Car-Part eCommerce.
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| | Did You Know?
Mark your calendars! Our 2015 Car-Part Industry Conference will be held August 6-8 in Kentucky. We'll share more details as they become available.
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We'll Be At

Northern California Auto Dismantlers Association (NCADA) Member Meeting – Antelope, CA
March 10, 2015
Bay Area Auto Dismantlers Association (BAADA) – Berkley, CA
March 11, 2015
Alliance of Automotive Service Providers New Jersey (AASP/NJ) – Seacuacus, NJ
March 20-22, 2015
Booth #105
Mitchell 2015 Property & Casualty Conference – San Diego, CA
March 23-25, 2015
Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA) Trade Show & Convention – Markham, ON
March 27-28, 2015
Booths #37 and #38
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