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This page is an archive of previously-published content. The information was accurate at the time it was published; however, the information may no longer be accurate or complete. If you have any questions about current Car-Part products, please contact your sales or support rep.
Volume 08 - Issue 8 |
Don't Switch to Windows 10
On July 29, 2015, Microsoft is set to release Windows 10, a new version of their operating system. We recommend that you do not download or install this new version.
You may have already received an email about this from Microsoft. Here's an example (don't worry if you haven't received this email yet):
While a new version of Windows will offer some interesting features, it is up to smart business owners like yourself to find out whether this upgrade is the best option for your business. At Car-Part.com, we recommend that you do not sign up or install Windows 10 until you hear otherwise from us.
At this moment, our developers are actively testing Car-Part.com products and services to ensure that our suite of software can support this operating system. Until we confirm that Windows 10 is compatible with our products, we ask that you do not install this version.
Our developers are currently testing these recycler products:
Note: Fast Parts is not able to run on Windows 8 or Windows 10. For upgrade options, please contact bobclark@car-part.com, sales@car-part.com, or call our main office at 859-344-1925.
It is also important to note that not all computers will be capable of supporting a new Windows operating system. Click here to visit the Windows website, where you can find out from Microsoft if your computer will be able to support Windows 10.
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| | Did You Know?
Checkmate users who signed up since last year's conference receive a special discounted registration rate for this year's 2015 Car-Part Industry Conference! Contact your sales rep to learn more and receive your promo code.
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Wisconsin Towing Association Annual Convention – Wisconsin Dells, WI
June 19-21, 2015
Booth #2
National Independent Automobile Dealers Association (NIADA) Convention & Expo – Las Vegas, NV
June 22-25, 2015
Booth #206
SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference – Louisville, KY
June 22-26, 2015
National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters (NAIIA) Annual Conference – Williamsburg, VA
June 24-27, 2015
Booth #28
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