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This page is an archive of previously-published content. The information was accurate at the time it was published; however, the information may no longer be accurate or complete. If you have any questions about current Car-Part products, please contact your sales or support rep.
Volume 08 - Issue 14 |
Your Part Images on Car-Part.com, Your Website, Trading Partners
Part Images are now live on Car-Part.com, Car-Part Pro, your own website, and Trading Partners - including mobile app searches! This exciting new feature was announced at the Car-Part Industry Conference in August.
Online customers love images, so including Part Images images in your descriptions gives you an incredible edge. 67% of consumers say the quality of a product image is very important in selecting and purchasing a product. Most online customers think the quality of a product's image is even more important even than a long description.* Part Images are a natural complement to the part grade information you already provide. Your customers are more comfortable purchasing your parts when they have the ability to verify your part's quality and your listing's accuracy.
The Part Images that are available in Car-Part Pro search results are the images you upload from your inventory management system. Your images will appear in the search results like this:
The search results include a thumbnail of the primary image in the Description. Clicking that thumbnail opens a gallery window that shows all public images available for this part.
Part Images are also available in the search results on our Car-Part Pro and Car-Part.com mobile apps:
If you want your image to display in your customer's search results and in the apps, please contact us! We won't start showing your images without your approval. For more information about how to display Part Images, or to let us know that you're ready for your Part Images to be public in search results, contact your sales rep. You can also call our main office at 859-344-1925. We're excited to talk to you!
*Source: Jeff Bullas, Online Strategist
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| | Did You Know?
If you have Car-Part Exchange, you can configure your Exchange partners to include your brokering parts, so that the parts you broker appear in your Checkmate Find and Sell search results next to your own parts. Read more about Brokering here.
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MyPartsApp Information
Car-Part Mobile Apps Information
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Arizona Automotive Recyclers Association (AARA) Annual Membership Meeting – Scottsdale, AZ
October 23-24, 2015
Texas Automotive Recyclers Association (TARA) Trade Show and and Conference – Forth Worth, TX
October 23-24, 2015
Virginia Auto Recyclers Association (VARA) Tradeshow and Meeting – Doswell, VA
October 24, 2015
Booth, Jason Olson presenting: Bidmate and Partmate
Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) – Las Vegas, NV
November 3-6, 2015
Booth #11208
Automotive Recyclers Association of New York (ARANY) Annual Convention and Tradeshow – Buffalo, NY
November 5-7, 2015
Booths #28 & 29
American Towman Exposition – Baltimore, MD
November 19-22, 2015
Booth #800
Missouri Auto and Truck Recyclers Association (MATR) – Lake Ozark, MO
November 20-22, 2015
Booth, Theresa Colbert presenting: "CORES–Why They Matter More than Ever!"
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