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May 25, 2022 | Details, Please: Car-Part's Mendi Evans on fresh features in CPI+
"Customers now have the ability to link Interchange through Powerlink, via the company's CrashLink system. 'This gives you the ability to sell, broker and locate additional parts with Interchange," Evans explained. "We are up to more than 115 different part types that we've created additional interchange for. With PowerLink customers, you can link over 90 parts right now.'"

Click here to read the full article by Canadian Auto Recyclers Magazine.

November 16, 2021 | Committee Clout: CIECA unveils 2021 award winners at SEMA Red Carpet Awards Breakfast
The award for Electronic Commerce Company of the Year was given to, and accepted by its founding CEO Jeff Schroder, "for its extensive committee involvement and promoting CIECA Standards throughout the industry."

Click here to read the full article by Collision Repair Magazine.

September 16, 2021 | The value of compassion and communication in times of uncertainty
"Recently named one of the 'Best Places to Work in Kentucky,' is an organization where a business family culture is valued and nurtured."

Click here to read the full article in University of Cincinnati News.

July/August 2021 | Chasing Innovation
"[Roger] Schroder says innovation comes from following an old business staple: Listening to your customers when they tell you what they need and figuring out how to best give it to them."

Click here to read the full article in the Northern Kentucky Business Journal.

May 19, 2021 | 2021 Business Impact Awards
"In a world of sameness and business as usual, this business has bravely stepped into the unknown and delivered their unique point of difference. They have raised the bar and showcased Northern Kentucky as an area of thoughtful, innovative industry leaders."

Click here to read the full recap from the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce.

March 4, 2021 | 17th Annual Best Places to Work in Kentucky Award Winners Announced
"The Best Places to Work in Kentucky program recognizes those employers who set an exemplary standard of excellence for both employee engagement and business success."

Click here to read the full announcement from the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce's Bottom Line News.

August 27, 2020 | Make More Money on eBay with
"Everyone I spoke to bragged about the classes and how those webinars/classes have helped increased their eBay department."

Click here to read more from Recyclers Power Source.

August 2020 | Insurers on iPro Marketplace Quote 20% Recycled Parts
"Our Integrated Car Part Pro (iPro) marketplace insurers quote 20% recycled part dollars on iPro estimates, compared to the industry average of about 10%...[iPro's] intelligence makes it easy to buy recycled parts."

Click here to read more in Auto Recyclers Toolbox.

April 2020 | Car-Part Crank-Up
"Using a 2014 Ford F-150 - the most popular vehicle searched on Car-Part - as an example...Car-Part Interchange Plus has 40% more parts with interchange than the industry standard...In 2019, we launched Car-Part Interchange Plus, and, in its first year of operation, the marketplace quoted more than $250 Million (CAD) of in stock CPI+ parts."

Click here to read the full article by Collision Repair Magazine.

April 7, 2020 | lessens the pain for auto recyclers
US-based auto recycling software company has issued a series of relief initiatives to help their customers as they face various hardships resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here to read the full article by Auto Recycling World.

April 7, 2020 | Recycler Relief: launches pandemic support initiatives is offering several relief initiatives to the industry amid the COVID-19 pandemic, including 10 percent off service fees for parts suppliers and free upgrades to certain products and services.

Click here to read the full article by Collision Repair Magazine.

March 18, 2020 | On the Up: Car-Part Pro helps drive used parts usage in Saskatchewan
Last weekend at the Saskatchewan Association of Automotive Repairer's (SAAR) Spring Conference, Tom Julius, director of business development for delivered a presentation highlighting how Car-Part's Interchange Plus (CPI+) program has helped drive used parts usage in Saskatchewan.

Click here to read the full article by Collision Repair Magazine.

November 20, 2019 | Annual Awards: receives Company of the Year award from CIECA
" selected based on its commitments to more than a dozen committees and organizations, as's staff are known to have contributed more than 1,000 hours of their time creating, improving and testing the standards the entire industry uses."

Click here to read the full article in Collision Repair Magazine.

March 2019 | Checkmate Update: Car-Part Interchange Plus
" recently made major enhancements to the Checkmate Inventory Management system in Checkmate 2019R1. One of the biggest was the incorporation of the latest Car-Part Interchange Plus. This version includes Car-Part Interchange Plus (CPI+) data for over 100 parts (including 2009+ Mitsubishi and 2015+ Mazda models) for subscribers."

Click here to read the full article in Automotive Recycling Magazine.

2019 | The Many Pros of Car Part Pro: Car Part Pro Increases Part Choices and Integration
"The Car Part Pro marketplace now has more recycled part choices and better integration with the collision repair industry as a result of...Car-Part Interchange Plus. The announcement was made by Jeff Schroder, CEO, at the Canadian Collision Industry Forum in Toronto in January. This version of interchange includes coverage for over 100 part types that is not available in the recycling industry's standard interchange. This includes engine parts, interior parts, and body parts, and it also includes new interchange coverage for Mitsubishi (2009 and later) and Mazda (2015 and later). Car-Part Interchange is an extensive database, maintained by, that maps which parts are interchangeable between several years and/or models."

Click here to read the full article in the Collision Repair Magazine's Buyers Guide.

February 27, 2019 | Car-Part's concerns
"When it comes to recalls on auto parts, co-founder of the internet marketplace, Jeff Schroder is one of the many auto recyclers concerned about gaining access to the proper information from OEMs. This is a frustrating concern that Jeff has been working on for the past four years. 'It's really a threat to the industry when they start to challenge the legitimacy of all of our parts,' he said."

Click here to read the full article in Collision Repair Magazine.

January 2019 | Awareness is the Best Remedy: How one recycled auto parts marketplace responds to the need for data protections
"A recycler's inventory data is a valuable asset. Auto recyclers need to be able to share this data with others in order to effectively market their parts in various marketplaces. But how can you share your inventory data with others while still protecting it? It is important to understand where and how your inventory data is being used."

Click here to read the full article in Automotive Recycling Magazine.

November 22, 2018 | CIECA awards
CIECA announced its Electronic Commerce of the Year and Outstanding Achievement awards at SEMA this year...Joanna Cohen of Car-Part took home the Outstanding Contribution award.

Click here to read the full article in Collision Repair Magazine.

November 22, 2018 | Car-Part's Jeff and Roger Schroder honoured at ARA Convention
"Car-Part's Roger and Jeff Schroder were honoured by the Auto Recyclers Association during the group's 75 anniversary convention in Orlando, Florida...The ARA Board were unanimous in their decision to select Roger Schroder as the 2018 recipient of the member of the year award...Jeff Schroder was awarded the ARA's President's Award, given to a member whose distinguishes themself in their service to the ARA."

Click here to read the full article in Collision Repair Magazine.

November 1, 2018 | New and Enhanced Interchange for 100+ Parts in Car-Part Interchange Plus
" announced that Car-Part Interchange Plus will soon include new and enhanced interchange for over 100 parts! Auto recyclers were pleased to hear this exciting announcement at the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) Convention and Expo in Orlando, Florida."

Click here to read the full press release.

July 25, 2018 | Checkmate Top Management System for Recyclers
" is happy to announce that Checkmate is the #1 management system on, with more recyclers in its recycled parts marketplace running Checkmate than any other management system. Checkmate is designed to maximize recyclers' sales on (the #1 recycled parts marketplace)."

Click here to read the full press release.

July 2018 | Making the Grade: Meet Roger Schroder, Auto Salvage, President, ARA Educational Foundation
"The biggest positive change that I have noticed during my time in this industry is the increased pride people have in ownership, and their willingness to reinvest money back into their businesses and facilities to create a better image. As part of that change, recyclers now care more about recycler satisfaction."

Click here to read the full article in Automotive Recycling Magazine.

March 2018 | Why Recyclers Should Care about Collision Repair Industry Open Interfaces
"In 2017 and 2018, there has been a lot of activity in the Collision Repair Industry regarding open interfaces to estimating systems...When measured by dollar amount, recycled parts represent the third largest part type used in the collision industry."

Click here to read the full article in Automotive Recycling Magazine.

January 5, 2018 | CIECA presented the 2017 Electronic Commerce Company of the Year award to
"The Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) Board of Trustees, presented the 2017 Electronic Commerce Company of the Year award to, for its outstanding leadership, dedication and contribution."

Click here to read the full article.

March 1, 2017 | launches Photomate imaging app
" has announced the release of Photomate, the company's latest imaging tool. Photomate is a mobile app that allows you to take photos of your inventory. Customers can see the photos online and salespeople can them in Checkmate,'s inventory management system."

Click here to read the full article.

January 20, 2017 | receives Collision Industry Electronic Commerce company of the year 2017 award
"The Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) Board of Trustees recently presented the 2017 company of the year award to The association chose for its dedication to leadership and contributions to the industry."

Click here to read the full article from Collision Repair Magazine.

November 2016 | Offers User-Friendly Solutions
" has helped recyclers sell parts on-line for the past 20 years, successfully serving over 11 million part searches a month. The addition of part and vehicle images have spiked sales for recyclers. Matt Bender, Speedy Auto Parts, Dover, OH, had a story. Matt had just posted a picture of a truck bed. A man saw the picture, then drove all the way from Wisconsin to pick it up!He got a higher price than he would have in his local market and the man paid cash! Professional repairers and estimators, however, need more information."

Click here to read the full article from Automotive Recycling Magazine.

March 13, 2016 | Update: Reported Incident Not Related to Car-Part; Use Best Practices to Protect Against Threats
"There appears to be confusion in the auto recycling community resulting from the many social hacking and virus notices that were recently sent, and would like to take this opportunity to clarify the situation. We now know that no software, services, or employees were involved in the reported incident in any fashion."

Click here to read the full notice.

2016 | Car-Part Announces World Tour Training 2016
"After seven years of successful conferences, Car-Part is offering a new twist on training. The Car-Part World Tour will bring training classes to cities throughout North America in 2016."

Click here to read the full press release.

January 19, 2016 | Though capability exists, CIC panel indicates parts procurement system integration to stay elusive
"Finally, there’s the issue of returns. Pete Tagliapietra of NuGen IT called it the largest problem. CEO Jeff Schroder noted that the industry part return rate was 15-20 percent, when it should be 2-3 percent. Still, “Integration’s really come a long way,” Lopez said, and Schroder noted greater collaboration between e-commerce companies."

Click here to read the full article.

October 20, 2015 | Announces Part Images in Search Results, MyPartsApp for Recyclers
"Online customers can now see recyclers' Part Images while shopping in the Car-Part Pro marketplace. Part Images are also available in search results on, Trading Partners, and recycler websites, as well the new MyPartsApp, which provides customized apps for recyclers. Jeff Schroder, CEO of, unveiled these features recently at the Car-Part Industry Conference and the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) Annual Conference/Expo. The Part Images feature is a natural complement to the ARA part grading and detailed part descriptions that recyclers already provide in marketplaces. When a customer searches for a part, available Part Images are automatically included in the part description, right where they're needed."

Click here to read the full press release.

August 2015 | Confirm Quality with Part Images in Car-Part Pro and Improved App
"Insurers and repairers can now see recyclers' Part Images while shopping in the Car-Part Pro marketplace and in live versions of the newly redesigned Car-Part Pro app. Jeff Schroder, CEO of, made the announcements recently at the Car-Part Industry Conference. The new Part Images feature is automatic, and live today in your Car-Part Pro search results whenever Part Images are available. And more images are being added daily! Part Images allow you to confirm the quality and accuracy of recycled parts with photos, complementing the detailed descriptions and part grading information already provided in Car-Part Pro."

Click here to read the full press release.

July 25, 2014 | Launches the Next Generation of Its Car-Part Pro eCommerce Marketplace
" launches a new version of its Car-Part Pro Marketplace for the collision and mechanical repair industries. EMS Pro,'s EMS-based integration with the three estimating systems, provides one-click access to Car-Part Pro's parts distribution network. Online part ordering on Car-Part Pro is now available for repairers via the "Order Part" button, which provides one-click ordering from over 1,000 eCommerce-enabled part providers. has also recently worked closely with OEConnection."

Click here to read the full press release.

December 18, 2013 | New App unlocks mobile access to Car-Parts database
" says their search engine is the easiest and fastest way to search the green parts market. The online parts marketplace is now looking to further add weight to its claim of being the simplest and most functional way to look for recycled parts with the release of its Car-Part Pro App for Apple's lines of iPads and iPhones. I spent some time using the App and found the interface to be extremely user-friendly. "

Click here to read the full article.

October 16, 2013 | Car-Part Pro Adds EMS Integration, Parts Ordering, and Seller Order Management Capabilities
"Car-Part Pro and Car-Part Messaging combine to read and modify estimates using the CIECA EMS standard (including Mitchell, CCC, and Audatex estimates). This simplifies the workflow for sourcing parts directly from estimates. Insurers and repairers can also use Car-Part Messaging to facilitate real time communication with 3,000 part sellers."

Click here to read the full press release.

September, 14, 2012 | Mitchell RepairCenter™ ToolStore Integrates with's Pro Search
"The Car-Part Pro value added marketplace, designed for body shops and insurance appraisers, is now seamlessly integrated into RepairCenter through the RepairCenter ToolStore. Car-Part Pro allows professionals to search by delivery date, warranty, recycler certifications, and part quality, and returns all inclusive pricing results from a database of 150 million parts, 4,500 recyclers, and hundreds of alternative parts providers. The built-in Live Service™ messaging feature allows real-time communication with part suppliers, and's exclusive SmartVin™ technology decodes VINs to simplify part choices during the search."

Click here to read the full press release.

August 21, 2012 | Hundreds of Recyclers Attend 2012 Car-Part Industry Conference
"We were thrilled to be able to put together such an excellent panel of fellow recyclers, collision and recycling industry experts, and Car-Part trainers...I know that recyclers are selling more parts and working more effectively and efficiently today armed with their new tools and information, and that's really why we hold the Industry Conference in the first place," said Jeff Schroder, Co-Founder and CEO of

Click here to read the full press release.

May 15, 2012 | 2500 Professional Repairers Join's New Recycled Parts Market in the First 50 Days
"The 2500 professional repairers who joined in our first 50 days are validating our vision that shops' and appraisers' online parts store needs to be simple and show buyers only parts that meet ALL of their needs, while providing instant access to sellers' staff," said Jeff Schroder, Co-Founder and CEO of

Click here to read the full press release.

November 2011 | Streamlining Recycled Parts Procurement with Efficiency
"For many of us in the collision industry, may just appear to be a great on-line search engine, but this is only possible because the company is deeply involved in the vehicle recycling process at every level. This expertise and experience makes the company the right provider for the services that are now available to the collision industry in Canada."

Click here to read the full article from Collision Management. The article is in the November 2011 issue and begins on page 14.

August 15, 2011 | How Poehl's Auto Recyclers Stays ahead of the Curve
"Being a leader in any industry requires staying ahead of the curve. It involves using the latest and best tools and knowing what's in the woodwork before anyone else. It's no different in the automotive recycling industry and few recyclers are able to stay ahead of the curve quite like Dana Poehl from Poehl's Auto Recyclers in Kentville, Nova Scotia. As a beta site for, Poehl is able to test the latest computer technologies in the auto recycling industry months before the majority of his fellow recyclers."

Click here to read the full article from Collision Repair magazine.

August 15, 2011 | 3rd Annual Industry Training Conference
"ARA President Doug Reinert and First Vice President Randy Reitman both attended the recent Third Annual Industry Conference that was held in Cincinnati, OH. As Doug put it, 'there was something to be learned by everyone, no matter what size business they had,' seconded by Randy and, judging by the enthusiasm exhibited by other attendees, including recyclers from Australia, all came away fired up about the improvements and changes unveiled over the three days."

Click here to read the full article from Automotive Recycling Weekly.

August 9, 2011 | Testimonial from Steve Shaver at Late Model Auto Parts
"I would like to commend [you] on the outstanding and professionalism that was extended to myself and my staff."

Click here to read the full letter.

August 10, 2011 | shines at 3rd Annual Industry Training Conference
"Auto recyclers from across North America and as far away as Australia descended on Fort Wright, Kentucky from August 4 to 6 to attend the Third Annual Industry Conference. The information that was shared about the challenges and opportunities of recyclers in providing and selling more recycled parts are both eye opening and optimistic. The three-day event kicked off with the registration and a reception on the evening of 4th. The Friday and Saturday had two full days of seminars offering great variety and selection. The schedule was broken down into five classes on the Friday and four classes on the Saturday. Each time slot offered classes covering the following product groups: Checkmate, Fast Parts, Web Products, Bidmate & Partmate and Executive & Management."

Click here to read the full article from Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine.

April 29, 2011 | 2011 Northern Kentucky Thoroughbreds Represent Resilience, Growth
"Car-Part is a search engine for recycled auto parts. Founded in 1998, Car-Part has grown to become the world's largest used parts marketplace, with over 10 million searches per month."

Click here to read the full article from Thrive Northern Kentucky.

April 2007 | Schroders Shine: Three Brothers, Two Businesses
"Whether or not you know the Schroder brothers, chances are you know the business they created. has swept the recycling industry, linking auto salvage with the online world for the past 10 years. It was not the first endeavor for the talented team behind it, composed of Urban, Roger and Jeff Schroder with Janice, Jeff's wife.

True leaders in every sense of the word, Urban, Roger, Jeff and Janice are carving out a niche in recycling to which others can only aspire. Their work ethic, management style and communications are regularly lauded by both peers and employees. Some say it was ingrained when they were young."

Click here to read the full article. It originally appeared in Locator UpFront magazine.

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