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Tools for Recyclers
Checkmate by

What's New?
Internet Checkmate08!

New Checkmate® features and enhancements:

New Car-Part Reports:
  • Inventory reports by interchange
  • Shipping labels:
    - Bar-coded invoice information on the label!
    - Scan shipping information directly into UPS WorldShip™!
  • Sales by payment method

Inventory screen enhancements:
  • Expanded stock and location fields
  • User description field separated from interchange description field:
    - Full user description now uploads to Car-Part!
    - Field expanded to 128 characters
  • Private inventory notes
  • Screen toggle < > control!
  • Optional part kind field added:
    - Used OEM, Surplus, New OEM, 0 Miles OEM, New Takeoff, Remanufactured, Rebuilt, Aftermarket, Used Aftermarket, Incomplete, and Core
  • Optional part category field added:
    - Warehouse, Yard (Bolted), and Yard (Unbolted)
  • Part grade added to select inventory reports
  • Undamaged pricing available for crash parts:
    - Optional field
    - Will upload to Car-Part
    - Can be calculated based on Price Book!
  • Advanced editing features:
    - Sales history and exchange facility available on screen
    - Modify Price Book levels
    - New inventory editing screen
  • Partmate Enhancements!

Find and sell screen enhancements:
  • Detail screen: - ARA description
    - Definable order
  • Expanded fields
  • Advanced returns for all users:
    - AMR feature now included!
  • Advanced purchase orders for all users:
    - AMR feature now included!
    - Can be used to run advanced purchase order reports
    - New purchase order option on work order screen: Select Y/N, Select vendor name using wildcard lookup, enter price - done in seconds!

Customer screen enhancements:
  • Shipping address field added:
    - Great for customers with multiple locations and a single billing address!
  • City, State and ZIP separated:
    - ZIP entry populates remaining fields!
  • Email, Web address, and instant message ID all hotlinked:
    - One-click communication can save a sale!
  • Customer class field added:
    - Select body shop, Car rebuilder, core buyer, insurance, part rebuilder, recycler, retail, shop, or none
  • Delayed COD posting option:
    - Keep the books balanced - delay posting until COD payments are received!
  • Other fields include:
    - Alternate phone, minimum part grade accepted, fax number, 800 number, and more!

Learn more about Checkmate!


Partmate: Revolutionary Portable Inventory Tool! Inventory a Vehicle in Checkmate with a Single Click!

Questions about our products?
Call Car-Part at (859) 344-1925. You can also reach us via email for sales assistance or general information.

Bidmate Salvage Buying Tool: Designed for the Fast pace of an Auction!